Waiting for the Snow

Birds have been scarce today, as if they too were waiting for the storm. I’ve filled the feeders, spotted a few sparrows of unknown type, and these guys:

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). When I hear them call, I know it’s Spring.

Black-capped Chickadee waiting for the snow.

I actually took male Northern Cardinal photo this yesterday.

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The Cardinals Have Returned

Since taking down the feeder that the squirrels loved (a small open platform style feeder that attaches to the window with suction cups), I’ve not seen the cardinals.

I’ve heard the male; he tends to chirp regularly while moving towards food.

Today I looked up and saw the female on the ground, fossicking for seeds. A few seconds later, I saw the male.

But still, Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), male (bright red) and female. If you listen to the audio on this page, you’ll first hear the two primary Cardinal songs, followed by the much quieter and simply single repeated chirp. That’s their “I’m approaching food,” and sometimes “I see food and am eating!” song.


The post The Cardinals Have Returned appeared first on Something Downeast.