Birds in Snow

I confess that when there’s a big snow storm like this one, I look forward enormously to spotting the birds. Today was a good bird day. Lots of birds took shelter in the hedges next to the windows, and I managed to entice some to feed from the window still, and even my hand. I have lost the knack of taking pictures while hand-feeding, alas, but I some ideas about making that easier.  I saw Juncos, Black-capped chickadees, an unknown sparrow variety, American Goldfinches, Tufted Titmice, and male and female cardinals. More importantly, while the snow was falling and they were sheltering in snow-covered rhododendrons, I heard them singing, not just calling or bragging about finding food. Spring is tangentially here, despite the snow.

American Goldfinch in Winter plumage; I think it’s a male.

The post Birds in Snow appeared first on Something Downeast.
