This is, I think, or more specifically, I’m pretty sure, is a male Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens). Harry Woodpeckers look quite a lot like Downy Woodpeckers; there are differences, but the primary one, is size. Harry Woodpeckers are noticeably larger, and thus, looking at this guy compared to the size of the suet cage, I’m leaning towards Downy Woodpecker.
It’s definitely a male; the male of both species has a red spot on the back of their heads. If I had a better photo, we might be able to see the beak; the Hairy Woodpecker has a noticeably longer beak.
Male Downy Woodpecker, photographed through the window, because the minute I step outside, he moves to the back side of the suet.
The post Male Downy Woodpecker appeared first on Something Downeast.