It’s Summer

These Rhododendrons looked faintly pink when they first opened, then turned a brilliant white.

These were some of the darkest Lilacs I’ve ever seen.

This is more like the Lilacs I’m used to, and the Hummingbirds are wildly enthusiastic about it.

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Spring Flowers



Apple blossoms

Crabapple blossoms

Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) these are tiny flowers, and usually have a tinge of blue. I’ve written about them before.

Violets. I love them so much. I know they have a tendency to take over where ever they’re planted, but they work well as ground cover where you don’t object to aggressive colonization.

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Tufted Titmouse

The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) isn’t an uncommon bird, but it’s a bird that’s new to me. They’re a bit like Chickadees in some ways, for instance in the way they move, but they have a distinctive crest (the “tuft” of their name) that makes them pretty easy to identify. This is a less than great photo, but it’s been very hard to get a picture at all. They’re apparently in that class of bird that knows a camera on sight, and will do all they can to thwart a photographer. 

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